writing, and the space between black and white., guzman, donna holgate, gary gilbert, movies, band buddy icons, armando riesco, uigui.com, list of films, scott walker (ix), weblog, robert j. steinmiller jr., iran, tommylasorda,
i'm not going to get better i have tried everything and nothing has worked, i am a wasted soul and have resined myself to a life paroles of friends videos and trashy novels in my room, i don't need mates, i don't need family and i definatly don't need you. link To my boyfriend, you stupid cunt. paroles you'd rather talk about how pretty or hot some model/actress/random girl is than tell me that i'm pretty. you'd rather watch WWE than talk paroles to me. you talk all this shit about wanting a future together and having kids someday and even namimg these kids, yet you have no job and you always talk about "whoever i end up marrying." it's all bullshit. you're bullshit. i can't stand you anymore!! i cry every fucking night cause all we do is argue. i can't bring one fucking point across t you cause you start acting like a fucking 4 year old doing your stupid "lalala i can't hear you" bullshit.