Anyhow, hi.  Welcome.   I'm rap writing

david chase, juliette lewis, writing, goth, rodney dangerfield, lyrics, list of people by name, bill raymond, confessions, 8008135, billie, jerusalem, oman, benny blanco, william russ, jon stafford, eskimo, film, motherbitch, archimedes, rss heavy metal, doe, gary landon mills, seth, My grandparents,  Angelo and Eleanor, lived within walking distance of the apartment I shared with my mom.  Growing up in New York was a kick in the ass in ways I'm still discovering, and I miss it terribly, but what I miss is stuff that doesn't rap exist anymore, stuff that COULDN'T rap exist, because I'm no longer a poor college student, staggering around with a vodka bottle, coat open, screaming to the night sky.  I think I was a rap lot cuter than I thought I was, and got involved with some really shitty guys.  That's right, John Hunter, I'm looking right at you, you giant freak (note: if your name happens to be John Hunter, or you happen to KNOW a John Hunter, unless you are the John Hunter who lived in a warehouse you couldn't afford rent on in New Jersey and met me in the early 90s, you are not the John of whom I speak. 
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Anyhow, hi.  Welcome.   writing I'm Dana.  I'm 31.  I live in Connecticut with Nick, my husband.  His name pops up from time to time, obviously. (I'm just giving you some important players [entirely different from playas, which Nick is most assuredly not.  At least not in front of me...], so that you're not thrown into a confused panic if you're new here and see me talking about him. ("What?? writing Who?!!? My god! Stop with writing the names already!!") We live in a pretty house we're always fixing up, with our two dogs, Jessie and Grayson (Jessie is ancient and lumpy, Grayson is pretty, neurotic and had cancer), my two rabbits (hateful creatures, tentatively named Pom and Flora) and a tortoise named Johnny Shutup.  I think I like the tortoise the best out of all of the pets, if only because he doesn't leave me coated in fur, and he almost never shits on the floor or pisses out of his tank. I have lived in Connecticut for almost 7 years.  Before that, I lived and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. 
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