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Don't fight on the train! Lady's husband: Stop it. Stop skins talking to them. Lady: I'm telling you to close your mouth. Older brother: Everybody stop! Mother: We're getting off here. skins Aunt: Thank God. Lady: Thank God. The family hustles out of the train. The rest of the passengers laugh as quietly as possible. --6 train Link To or Email this Post "..and then come in the audience." Woman: When Denzel comes on stage, I'm going to throw my panties up there. --Belasco Theater, W. 44th skins Street Overheard by: Julia Caesar Link To or Email this Post Jew Bashing Ain't What It Used to Be Crazy guy: They have millions of dollars! But they're mongoloids! They have more money than New York City! But they're mongoloids! Put it at the top of your list! They have more money than New York State! But they're mongoloids! --G train Overheard by: Stephie Russell Link To or Email this Post They Had the Strength of an Ape, and No Remorse Construction guy #1: I had to hire dis retarded kid, and ya know, I don't know how it's gonna be.