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I'll try not to scratch them or anything. Dude: I words trust you with my balls. I think I'm OK with you touching my CDs. --111th & Broadway Overheard by: Djlindee Link To or Email this Post Listen to Preppy; He Knows What He's Talking About Flaming queer: What you whiteboys don't realize is that the foreskin is not a chew toy. Maybe a words little biting is OK, but don't go down on it like a stick of words Trident. Preppy queer: This is totally going to end up on Overheard if you don't quiet down. Flaming queer: I'm Puerto Rican; we're a loud people. It's all of the drums. --Candle Bar, Amsterdam Avenue Link To or Email this Post Private Schools: The Difference is Clear? Catholic School boy #1: Man, I can call a bitch a bitch if I wanna call her a bitch.