--Mary Boone Gallery, W. discografia lanny flaherty

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--Mary Boone Gallery, W. 24th Street Overheard by: Captive 411 Bike girl on cell: Hey, this is Tammy. Yet again you were in my dream. It involved fucking. Call me back. --Prospect Park Hipster: Nothing says "I love you" like a cactus. --52nd & 9th Overheard by: kath williams Link To or Email this Post Say What, Wednesday One-liners? Softball coach: Who's not here? Who's ever not here, raise your hand! --Prospect lanny flaherty Park Overheard by: Andrea lanny flaherty Woman: Some people are idea people but don't do lanny flaherty anything about it, and some people are executioners. --2/3 train Hippie: Yeah, it sucks, he needs a quintuplet bypass! --Red Hook post office Overheard by: Mia Mylet Girl: Well, I'm taking Portuguese this semester, 'cause it's a requirement to be an accountant. --NYU Bobst Library Overheard by: Greg Link To or Email this Post Wednesday One-liners Just Promote Stereotypes Chick on cell: Yeah, I'll put a tarp down, but everyone spraypaints on the roof.
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