Lifelines is Genius! Girl: ed white tre

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Lifelines is Genius! Girl: Ugh, it's that guy! Dude: What guy? Girl: The lead singer of A-ha tre is making my life hell. --92nd & 2nd Link To or Email this tre Post Most Children Are Intellectual: I can't believe some adults enjoy reading those Harry Potter books; they're just awful. Book vendor: Maybe some of them are still children. Intellectual: I think some of them are psychopaths. --W. 4th & Greene Overheard by: Brian Lang Link To or Email this Post Literacy: The Most Offensive Ghetto Stereotype HS girl tre #1: I read five books a week and my parents get mad at me because it costs them a lot of money. HS girl #2: I read like five books a week too, but I get mine from the library. HS girl #1: Oh, that's ghetto.
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