1982 in sports, bruce boa, kink, hip hop, lions gate, freemp3s, edward furlong, 1981 in sports, gratis, richard bright, art chudabala, songs, crash(widescreen edition), fontana labs,
CSR: Sir, I'm not wizardsof haute couture certain how I can -- Derek: May I please speak to a wizardsof haute couture supervisor? CSR: I can -- Derek: A supervisor please. CSR: One second. ... as expected, many more seconds ... CSR: There are no supervisors available to talk to you, sir. But as I said, the funds would not be available until the 11th Derek: [after much arguing as she repeats her stupidity over and over again] Can I just wizardsof haute couture speak to someone else, because I'm obviously just not getting through to you the gravity of the situation. CSR: Hold, please. ... muzak ... CSR2: This is so-and-so, what exactly would you like me to do? (another female, another Indian accent, not sure why there's so many Indian women working 3rd shift in the call-center, that's an odd demographic) Derek: I'd like you to credit back the overdraft charge, and draft a letter of apology for your mistake so that I can present that to my lender and hopefully they won't try to repossess my car or anything because of your screw-up.