CSR: I don't understand, paul sorvino 1982 in sports

1982 in sports, bruce boa, kink, hip hop, lions gate, freemp3s, edward furlong, 1981 in sports, gratis, richard bright, art chudabala, songs, crash(widescreen edition), fontana labs, CSR: It would clear on the 11th, you see, because of the holiday. Derek: How long is the paul sorvino holiday? One day, right? CSR: Yes, sir. Derek: Well, as I count it, the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and then paul sorvino finally the 9th, would be the five business days, so why exactly did Citibank decide to not make the money available until the 11th, the seventh business day? CSR: Because the fifth business day would be the eleventh. Derek: By what bizarre mathematical formula? paul sorvino Do you have a calendar on your desk? Follow along... 2nd-first day. 3rd-second day. 7th-third day. 8th-fourth day. 9th-fifth day. So, again, why were those funds held until the 11th? CSR: One second please. ... about 300 more seconds ...
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CSR: I don't understand, I show that payment fully cleared as of 7/11. Derek: Unfortunately, it wasn't fully cleared as of 1982 in sports 7/9, and it was a local business check, so it should have cleared almost immediately, and I'd like to figure out why. CSR: But the funds are available completely. Derek: They weren't two days ago apparently, 1982 in sports and you bounced a 1982 in sports payment I made. Incidentally, I find it funny that the day you decided to return the check as NSF is the day you decided to clear the funds that would have made the check not be NSF. CSR: One second sir, while I look into this. ...about three hundred actual seconds pass... CSR: Sir, yes, I investigated, and if the check is drawn on a local bank, it can take five business days to clear. Derek: Five business days? For a local check? Since when? CSR: It depends on the amount of the check, sir. Derek: [looking at a calendar] OK, assuming for the moment that I think that's right, and I don't, why didn't the check clear on the 9th, the same day as my payment?
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