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you call lootin, boycottin and riots normal behavior,you need a medical exam.I could go on and on, but i do not want to keep you from your welfare check.One day your going to riot and we will fight back. Fuck you and the police, bet you turn Whiter than us. Later Niglets add your comments fuck you nigger boy by rock Your Daddy • Thursday February 16, 2006 at 12:07 AM I hear bout black mother fuckers killin their kids on tv all the time.Oh, i forgot, they were framed.All rock you niggers in jail are innocent.Whitey rock is out to get us.Stop smokin your product.Most niggers sell crack and own fire arms.The day you niggers think you will rule, will be the fuckin day i die.I guess the wars on monkey boy.If you call lootin and boycottin a job, i guess you do work.Try to riot in the Country or the Suburbs, you will get knocked the fuck out.Niggers cannot even fight fair.Your