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Just because some white people are wanting to assemble and say their peace doesn't constitute them being shot down or anything. They italian mafia have a right to assemble just as much as anyone else. italian mafia I've heard many sound bites from afro-american italian mafia rallies that were not just on the fringe of hate speech, but full on hate rhetoric. The white man must die, all the stuff you know of. I say these men and women can go right ahead and say whatever they like and the more the minorities throw their own racist ire their way, the more they spite themselves and operate on the same level. I fully support these people and their freedoms. I share those same freedoms along with all of the rest of you and maybe someday I'll see you on the race war lines. Hail Victory. 88! add your comments what i think by Jonny • Tuesday January 17, 2006 at 12:55 PM Hi...I