group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem, sudan, heavy metal, hbo home video, bisexual, sounds, portillo, 1956 in sports, adventure, we take ourselves seriously. we do. lookin' at mediatic ideas of politics, diary, tour dates, african american,, alternative,
You meet someone, okay you dont like them okay move on,dont deny yourslef with a few bad experinces to loser enjoy people who look diffrent. I loser guess ill never get it but in the end im not the one whose losing. ---///God has nothing to do with anything, think for yourself and stop tying to live your life by A can easily be interpreted into whatever you want it to loser say. add your comments how! by Amanda • Thursday January 26, 2006 at 06:15 PM how in the hell can that guy to the right be dressed up in a white roab? he is so stuppid that makes me mad!!! add your comments we are not all like that by drew • Friday January 27, 2006 at 04:27 PM that guy in all capitals that was talking shit about whites, needs to know four things. 1 not all whites dress up in night clothes or are power hungry or whatever. 2 when you called us dumb asses, u spelled dumb wrong.