group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem, sudan, heavy metal, hbo home video, bisexual, sounds, portillo, 1956 in sports, adventure, we take ourselves seriously. we do. lookin' at mediatic ideas of politics, diary, tour dates, african american,, alternative,
My dear KKK and Neo Nazi brother God Loves you and I do too. add your comments Miss by Amanda • Saturday February 04, 2006 at 11:17 PM Your website is full of crap. You dressed up a lot of people and made them all look like racists. You need 1978 in sports real proof, not just 1978 in sports pictures. Real facts, real proof. Not just a bunch of 1978 in sports white and black guys your hired to dress like that. Your full of bull crap. add your comments Mr. by JC • Monday February 06, 2006 at 04:57 PM THE DAY KKK RULES AMERICA IS THE DAY IS THE SAME DAY AMERICA WOULD BE FINISHED AND U CAN BET ON THAT. ILL DIE B4 I LIVE THAT DAY!!! U DOGGISH FLEA CARRYING BITCHES. SMELL LIKE AN OLD WET DOG. SHIT IS ATTRACTED TO WHITES THATS WHY THEY SHAMPOO FUCKING SKANK AND THEY HAVE TO WASH THEIR HAIR 1000 TIMES A DAY IN ORDER TO HIDE THAT SHIT SMELL.