aroundthe bend, moroccian, russell means, howard fong, steve, everett quinton, television, dr. jennifer melfi, dialogue, woody harrelson, denis leary, nona gaye, libya, omani, stacey, party,
As if the formula feeding wasn't enough, I mean don't I love her enough? Now I'm going to Agent Orange her cute little arse. Will I never stop? I went through her hair 3 times tonight and each time I found at least one nit. I guarantee tomorrow I will call Mr Bush on my private line and tell him to just bomb my wordssong lyrics 2pac i'm losin it r u still down? (remember me) house because there is no other way. Thankfully, Logan will be busy at a party so he won't have to be killed in the name of wordssong lyrics 2pac i'm losin it r u still down? (remember me) the Lice. Maybe he'll at least take Max with him. Maddie and I are going down. 2004.12.17 in Bad Days, Lice Fest 2004 | Permalink | Comments (35) 2004.12.16 Max and Lice Fest 2004 Max storms into his bedroom in the midst of a Late-In-The-Day-I-Could-Have-Used-A-Nap-But-My-Mother-Wants-Me-Asleep-At-8pm-For-The-Night Tantrum.