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--42nd & 6th david chase Overheard by: Mark T Link To or Email this Post "My pectorals also seem overdeveloped." Girl #1: I think I david chase hurt myself. Look at this. What is this? Girl #2: That's a muscle. Girl #1: Right there? Girl #2: It's a calf. It's supposed to have david chase a muscle. --NYSC, 59th & Park Overheard by: Katie C Link To or Email this Post She's Like a Giant Mallomar Teenage boy: I really need a girlfriend. Teenage girl: Why? Teenage boy: 'Cause they're all sweet and soft and crap. Teenage girl: Go out with Marla. She's soft. Teenage boy: No, that's not soft; that's obesity. --N train Link To or Email this Post May 16, 2005 Hopefully She'll Down a Bottle of Rubbing Girl #1: Get me something else at the bar? Girl #2: Why? Girl #1: I've run out of alcohol to go with my champagne. --Central Park boathouse Link To or Email this Post Teaching the Indie Kids to Overhear Again Indie guy: There are so many people here I know from MySpace, but none of them will look me in the face.