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--Lafayette & Great Jones Hobo: I have something to say! I fucked your daughter! And she liked it! And she was tight! --W. 4th & University culture Overheard by: Snezhana Valdman Hobo: Too many Police investigations stopping you from culture reaching your destination? I may be homeless, but I got a brain. It may not be a big brain, but it's usingable! --Staten Island ferry Overheard by: Joel Guilbert Hobo: Well, since you won't give me money, culture one more thing. Has your sister or girlfriend, I don't know who she is, ever told you that bag does not go with that coat? --45th & 9th Overheard by: Paul Schellenberg Drunk hobo: Hey girl! You look like Aretha Franlin! R-E-S-E-C-P-T! R-E-S-E-C-P-T! Give me some respect! --Union Square Overheard by: Evan Hobo: It's 90 degrees out. Why are we wearing clothes? That's mental illness. --Rockefeller Center station Link To or Email this Post Wednesday One-liners Are Phat Bike guy: It was like the perfect really, really big ass...