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That way I will never forget again. Neither your birthday nor the fact that hbo diddy = white power. --------- God-dammit diddy - illegitimate kids wasn't enough for you - now you have to make us look like a bunch of bastards!! --------- Sick sick sick sick sick, that's what you are. You need help hbo my friend. Or a drink. Just let me know when ;-) --------- Hey, nobody looks like nothin. It was my hbo choice to keep my B-Day on the DL, but this string of e-mails from y'all is better than any celebration; you guys are the bestest (tear). Much loves, Diddy I fucking love my friends and they love the fact that I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands. Posted on 3.8.2006 at 12:28 PM | Comments (3) | Permanent Link It's that time of year again. The months of March through May are my favorite time of year for several reasons. I spend most of my year planning the 3 events that take place during this time frame.