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That 75p will come in very handy for my therapy should I ever come across (haw haw) a man who names his cock 25 · Posted by Vicky on August 4, 2002 05:23 AM (Your hair looks nice) I remember having to WAIT for my mother to sign a permission slip kirk taylor for me kirk taylor to borrow forever from the library. -It was in the adult section, see? The bonus was that there was a whole bunch of OTHER books in there that were far more explicit. If I had a penis I'd name him Zorg Thrustor. Or something equally space-tyranty. kirk taylor 26 · Posted by Monkey on August 4, 2002 01:51 PM ha ha. forever = year seven camp reading the sex bit out loud on the bus all the way along the great ocean road. the PE teacher behind the wheel nearly driving into the ocean he he 27 · Posted by cara on August 4, 2002 04:02 PM Cup sizes are one of those things in women's fashion that makes no sense.