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-- signed, the girl who met ralph but called him dick 5 · Posted by Sarah on August 3, 2002 03:01 AM inviti My first boyfriend named his penis the "DeVirginizer 2000" -- sure lived up to its name, the pervert. Anyway, it was called "DV" for short. Pun intended. 6 · Posted by Katie on August 3, 2002 03:57 AM First, I remember that book. And I have to agree with Eeksy-Peeksy on this noe; I do think there's something weird about a man (or anyone, really) naming a inviti prick. I mean, it's a inviti piece, not a person, folks. Do you think people who name genitalia talk to them? Or like maybe their lovers do? Creepy. Of course, I once knew a man who named his "Reuben", although I don't know why. I also knew a boy who named his penis "Thumper", which was oddly endearing and amusing. Anyways. To be really wrong, and take it to eleven, maybe they chose "Ralph" because of what it does, at the end of an act?