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The school library copy went missing; presumed dead and we all had to borrow it off someone else in class in a rota. And the guys in class used to try steal it off us. :g: He named it Ralph. bwhahaha. I'd completely forgotten that. 20 · Posted edie falco by Meghan on August 3, 2002 08:22 PM Heh. I've never heard of it. That must mean I'm young and innocent still. 21 · Posted by lizz on August 3, 2002 09:10 PM We name them 'cause inside those little heads are tiny personalities comprising generous measures of stubbornness, edie falco contrariness, uncooperativeness and, above all, single-mindedness. They entice us to go where we ought not go and do what we should not do. And - woe! - we are often weak. Much as I dislike Bill Clinton as a man and a politician, I do have to give him snaps for naming his troublemaker Willard. When asked why he chose that monniker, he replied, "Because it's longer than Willie."