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In the afternoon, I headed over to the Jabber Boot Camp session, which was quite well done, if a bit too basic for my hopes. I was sort of hoping more for "here's how to do cool stuff with Jabber", instead of "here's how to use Jabber"... I can't really fault tim colceri the organizers or speakers, at all, it was advertised as a boot-camp after all, and for the target audience, tim colceri it was very well-done. Posted by Dredd tim colceri at 08:09 PM | Permalink Technology Volunteerism Summit Anyone else think it's kind of funny that the Technology Volunteerism Summit at OSCON is invitation-only? Guess they don't want any fresh ideas on the topic. Why even include that on the agenda as "an event" if it's something that 99% of the attendees aren't even allowed to attend?