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2004.12.16 in Lice Fest 2004 | Permalink | Comments (37) About ••• Categories Amsterdam Annoying things deleted a week later Apple Hell/Heaven Bad ed o'ross Days Blogher 2005 Gifts I would have bought Good Days Happy Hour Shoppe I HAVE TO HAVE THIS. Inane Baby Talk Job Trauma Knitting Lice Fest 2004 Limitless Irritation Other Places ed o'ross Pants Please Don't Buy Me... Randomly Thinking Sigh.... Site Business The MOMS® Follies Things I'd Buy If This Wasn't 2004 ed o'ross Things I Don't 'Get' Things To Love About My Family Tickle Me Endlessly do not meet these people on the playground blab-o-ramaBlab-o-Rama is gone but File lives on. Rebecky"Hello, my name is Rebecca Gimenez and I am calling to schedule a ticklefight" LoobyluIf I could draw pictures, and I was upbeat and I lived in Australia, I'd be her. Mrs Kennedy"Blog me like Mimi Smartypants" outtabodymommyShe was so the Idaho Potato Queen.