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LOOKING AT ME THROUGH THE WINDOW NOW...SHOULD HE BE WORKING OR SOMETHING...THAT DUDE NEEDS TO GET A LIFE...STAY TUNED...THIS daveyhavok LIVING THING IS HILARIOUS.... posted by Fetus Spears @ 5:47 PM 18 Comments: At 6:00 PM, tristan said... WOW fetus... you're daveyhavok born! are the paprazzi's leaving you presents yet? That's ok don't worry your mommy or daddy will shoot them again. At 6:17 PM, Gary said... liek OMG fetus spearz, liek welc0/\/\e 2 teh w0rld |\|0w U g3t 2 liek H@NG daveyhavok w/ ppl liek Us.n0\/\/ liek d0nt U w|5h tH@t liek U w3r3 @b0rt3ds!!!!!!!!TranslatiomLike Oh My God Fetus SpearsLike Welcome to the worldNow you get to hang out with peeople like usNow don't you wish you were aborted At 7:55 PM, squeezychortle said... Did they slap your ass yet? You aren't officially born until someone slaps your ass. That's why when kevin is slapping you're mommies ass she's always liek "You're my daddy!" because she's being born again.ABut not like "born again."