Vincent: What? I should algierian 1978 in sports

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Vincent: What? I should only kill people after I get to know them? Vincent: [after Vincent and Max load a 1978 in sports corpse into the cab's trunk] Let's go. Max: Hey, why don't you just take the cab? Vincent: Take the cab? Max: Yeah, you take it. I'll - I'll chill. I'll - I'll just chill. They don't even know 1978 in sports who's driving these things half the time anyway. They never check or anything. Okay... so... just - just take it. You, me... Vincent: You 1978 in sports promise not to tell anybody right? Max: Yeah... yeah... yeah... promise. Vincent: Get in the fucking car. Vincent: Lady Macbeth. Leave the seats. The light's green. We're sitting here. Max: [a car horn honks behind Max. The car whips around them to get through the intersection] Asshole! Vincent: You no longer have the cleanest cab in La-La Land. You gotta live with that. Focus on the job. Drive.
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