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I'm not making light of his diabetes. It would be completely controlled if he didn't eat everything he put in his mouth and stuck to the 1800 calorie diet he was prescribed ages ago. But that's even the half of it. kevyn major howard He was admitted in mid-February on a 72-hour psychiatric hold for what the chart simply said was "SI/HI". I had kevyn major howard a hunch kevyn major howard SI stood for suicidal ideation but couldn't for the life of me figure out what HI was. The psych resident just happened to come by our floor which is really rare given we're not a psych unit. "HI? Oh that just means homicidial ideation." Oh really? Just, eh? And he's on a regular floor. You've determined he's no longer a threat to himself or anyone else? Perhaps he's fine. He's bi-polar and has very severe borderline personality disorder. Is on everything from lithium to Effexor so maybe he's fine.