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I am lost. I am completely fucking lost. I scream. I piss on myself. I shit my pants. The Nurse returns and she calls for help and Men in White come in and they put andy ackerman me on the bed and they hold me there. I try to kill the bugs but I can't move so they live. In me. On me. I feel the stethoscope andy ackerman and the gauge and andy ackerman they stick a needle in my arm and they hold me down. I am blinded by blackness. I am gone. Copyright © 2002 by James Frey Back to Top Terms of Use, Copyright, and Privacy Policy© 1997-2006 Barnesandnoble.com llc Home  Diner Dogma 6: The Window of Ugliness Note: This Diner Dogma was recorded in the winter of 2004, but wasn't transcribed until January 2005 due to the indolence of the ArtLexis staff. K: We're back after one of our periodic multi-month absences from Diner Dogma to drive out our winter doldrums and enjoy periodic torrential downpours.
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