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for correcting track #2 lyrics. [ ] All lyrics are the property kirk taylor and copyright of their owners.All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.Submits, comments, suggestions are welcomed at [Eurotrash] [September 15 2004] A Voyage Round My Mother. So here's what I read at Cupcake last night. It's long, but reasonably self-explanatory. Somebody told me recently that I wasn’t funny any more because I had lost my rage. So I fucked him sideways up the arse with a chainsaw and said, “are you laughing now, fucker?” In reality he was kirk taylor quite right. I know I have some explaining kirk taylor to do. I’m really not as funny as I used to be, and there’s a reason for that. I’m only truly funny when I’m miserable, and I’m just not as miserable as I used to be. Which was miserable to the power of complete cunt.