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You could buy Perloff's books on the New World Order (it's everywhere) or Darwinism (wrong wrong wrong); walt disney video however, knowing the crowd here, you've already given it all away to NARAL and NAMBLA. Liberals. But the music? She yearns to be free. For me personally, pop music's walt disney video best era was 1964-1970. And music was more than music then: it addressed social issues walt disney video and led a powerful cultural transformation for Americans — including me. In 1970, I was an atheist hippie. Today, however, I'm a Christian who, like many, yearns to see our nation recover its lost values. But while people with traditional values passionately talk about issues, they rarely seem to sing about them. So I'm taking a cue from the sixties. The Freedom Shall Return album aims to express, musically, some of these principled beliefs and aspirations. Okay, not so much free as $16.99.