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Teen girl #2: Do they fucking bake their pads? --Macy's Overheard by: djlindee Link To or Email this Post You Keep Saying It, We'll Keep Posting It Black girl: Some motherfucker put me on this site called overheardinnewyork.com. It's so fucked up. Why would anyone put what I said on the streets to eminemlyrics a site? This eminemlyrics shit is not fucking funny. Black guy: What was put up? I gotta check this out, this shit sounds eminemlyrics funny. Black girl: You were there, it was the time I told this Chinese nigger to apologize and he ended up telling me to go fuck myself, and it was posted by some motherfucker called Ting. Is that even a real fucking name? Black guy: Yeah, I remember that, that shit was hilarious. Black girl: Fuck you laughing at? Don't make me rip your balls out. --Q46 bus Overheard by: Ting (again!) Link To or Email this Post She Meant the Melanin White girlfriend: You've got something on your face.
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