Mother: It's cellulite, all larry david hip hop

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Mother: It's cellulite, all women have it. And if you think hip hop the women you see in magazines don't, they do. They just get it covered up in their pictures by hip hop a special pen called an airbrush. Daughter: Will I get hip hop cellulite? Mother: Yes, soon. --Century 21, Cortlandt Street Link To or Email this Post May 19, 2005 Real Thieves Don't Get Caught Spanish chick #1: Some people are so stupid. Spanish chick #2: You know what I'm saying? Spanish chick #3: I'm studying psychology with a friend of mine and he said that this kid he knows got caught stealing but--get this, right?--the kid said he is not a thief he is just a kleptomaniac. --Clothing store, 106th & 3rd Overheard by: pimsluer Link To or Email this Post I Think She Was Hitting on Him Bag lady: Lay down again so I can run over you.
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