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And he (the atua) swallows the factory which we found that's polluting the river and then we go back and bryan gordon we catch some eels and have a feed and everything's good. Throughout the video you will notice that there is a meeting house, a wharenui, involved there. There's carvings. What we do is we bryan gordon carve depictions of our ancestors and they're spread throughout the video, there's constant reference to them, and that's to say that they are here with us right now. That's a Maaori belief that our ancestors are with us all the time, through bryan gordon wider spiritually. So here, let's hit it. TANGATA WHENUA Ko Papatuanuku toku Whaea, ko te whenua ia - Papatuuaanuku is my mother, the earth Ko Ranginui toku Matua, kei runga ake ia - Ranginui is my father, he is above Whakarongo mai ki te mea nui rawa - Listen to the thing it's very important He take o te Ao - A root of the world He kaupapa o toku whakapapa - A foundation level of my genealogy Ko IO MATUA KORE, te matua tuatahi - It is Io-matua-kore, the first parent E ora !