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I can't be everywhere at once, people. Posted by Kim Crawford at 11:12 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack A CRIME AGAINST NATURE Lightning has immolated 800,000 gallons of Jim Beam miramax home entertainment Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey. Act of God? Nay. Act of Allah, no doubt. I've already called the Director of Homeland miramax home entertainment Security. The terrorists, alas, have won. Posted by Kim Crawford at 10:46 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack GAG RULES I admit it. I like Ann Coulter. She miramax home entertainment can be a brilliant writer when she wants to be, and can write circles around a certain shanty Irish tramp currently employed by The Shades Of Gray Lady. But Jumping Jesus, do you reckon she could ever chill? Who are the poor bastards spending Croesus' fortune trying to bed her? She ain't that hot. Why would you get in that game? (Oh, yeah. For the same reason you do with any woman. So you can run go tell all your friends). But the ones who do... I pity them. I don't need that kind of pressure.