I understand that. Perry 1976 in sports george w bush

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I understand that. Perry Van Shrike: Whoa, what's that? [check out briefcase in Harry's hands] Perry Van Shrike: Is that a clue? Can you see that? Harry Lockhart: What do you mean? [Perry hits Harry on the head with the briefcase] Harry Lockhart: Ouch! Perry Van Shrike: What were you thinking? My 2,000 dollar ceramic vector my mother got me as a special gift you threw in the lake next to the car! What happens when they george w bush drag the lake, you think they'll find my pistol? [walks away] Perry Van Shrike: Jesus! [turns around] george w bush Perry george w bush Van Shrike: Look up idiot in the dictionary. You know what you'll find? Harry Lockhart: A picture of me?
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