Armand: Fuck the shrimp! howard fong black comedy

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Armand: Fuck the shrimp! Armand: Work it, own it, sell it! Albert: Aaaaahhhhh! We've been robbed. Armand: What is that crap you served us? Agador: It's Guatemalan Peasant Soup. Armand: What's Guatemalan Peasant Soup? Agador: I black comedy don't know, I made it up. I made it up! Val: [Agador is dancing by the pool] Uh, Dad, could we maybe hire a straight black comedy maid black comedy for this evening? Armand: There are no straight maids in South Beach. Albert: I'm leaving you my stereo... Agador: I don't want it. Albert: My red boots? Agador: I don't want them. Albert: And my wigs? Agador: Which wig? Louise Keeley: Oh, what interesting bowls. Louise Keeley: It looks like young men playing leap frog. Senator Kevin Keeley: I feel like I'm insane. Armand: Agador! Val: Spartacus! Armand: Agador Spartacus!... He insists on being called by his full name.
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