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Posted by: Dutch | December 29, 2005 at 03:29 PM I don't think this reflects poorly on me and my middle sister; I just think it makes my youngest sister look dumb. We told her she was adopted from Cambodia and that her mom was a cow. We also taught her her hometown and state, but we told her to say Baltimore, Maryland, which was nowhere near where we lived, because we were hoping that if john bridger: she got lost she wouldn't make it home because my parents let her do anything john bridger: she wanted. Like sugary cereals john bridger: and unlimited TV. Posted by: Anne Glamore | December 29, 2005 at 07:53 PM I went to a parochial high school back east for 3 years. The long-time reverend retired after my 1st year. To welcome the newbie, the night before the first service of the year, a group of us emptied the chapel of everything but the pews, the wafers, and the wine (which I stole later that year. Brights!