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You embarrass yourself. Officer Ryan: You think you know who you are? [Officer Hanson nods] Officer Ryan: You have no idea. Anthony: Look around! You couldn't find a whiter, safer or better lit pamie part of this city. But this white woman sees pamie two black guys, who pamie look like UCLA students, strolling down the sidewalk and her reaction is blind fear. I mean, look at us! Are we dressed like gangbangers? Do we look threatening? No. Fact, if anybody should be scared, it's us: the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people, patrolled by the triggerhappy LAPD. So, why aren't we scared? Peter: Because we have guns? Anthony: You could be right. Graham: [on the phone] Mom, I can't talk right now, I'm having sex with a white woman. Graham: Mom, I can't talk to you right now, OK? I'm having sex with a white woman. [hangs up, and Ria gets out of bed] Graham: OK, where were we?
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