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You brush past people, people bump into you. In videos L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch videos so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something. Shereen: They think we're Arab. When did Persian become Arab? Lara: [referring to the impenetrable cloak] He doesn't have it! Elizabeth: [confused] He doesn't have what? Anthony: Come on now! This is America. Time is money. Anthony: It's just black people demeaning other black people, using that word videos over and over. You ever hear white people callin' each other "honky" all the time? "Hey, honky, how's work?" "Not bad, cracker, we're diversifying!" Rick: Why do these guys have to be black? No matter how we spin this thing, I'm either gonna lose the black vote or I'm gonna lose the law and order vote! Karen: You know, I think you're worrying too much. You have a lot of support in the black community. Rick: ll right. if we can't duck this thing, we're gonna have to neutralize it.
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