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Much later I learned that it was a childhood epithet hung on him because he was given to telling people to "kiss me ayza." Here was another one who liked to play with words and had maintained his Hell's Kitchen accent all through his years of exile in New Hampshire's frigid Cocytus. It rodney dangerfield has been my observation that this so-often mocked and maligned manner of speech which, alas, can be heard today only in old movies is never the "foist" that bumpkins think they've heard, but rodney dangerfield a softer sound, more like the German eu with just a hint of the missing r. In this it is rather close to Oxbridge, except that it's much too bumptious to be mumbled as an indistinct "waffle-waffle" as Herbert Marshall might. With all the diverse mannerisms of speech I heard around me, including the various differing New England ones, I developed what might be called an ear for sounds.