albums, reference, al, naturalborn killers, mike, my, anonymous, vincent d'onofrio, list of films, josh richman, glynis johns, dale winton, band buddy icons, television shows, queer, yemeni, amazigh, crash(full screen edition), day,
We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 It's a good thing... (Score:5, Funny) by AllPowerToAllah (956167) on Tuesday February 21, @11:01AM (#14768085) ...slashdot hasn't! Re:It's a good thing... (Score:5, Insightful) by Stripe7 (571267) on Tuesday February 21, @11:21AM (#14768304) I had a run in forums with the filters before. I usually use stripe or stripe7 as my handle even in games that I play online. On Shattered Galaxy [], I used to forums go by stripe in their 2-3 years of beta. Then when they went commercial, I found out that it was a banned forums name! Turns out anything with strip in it was banned. Similarly Grape gets banned because it had rape in it. What gets banned is getting rediculous. What next? Banning capital A because it might be used to spell Allah?