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Oh, man. When? peter mullan When in May? How long do I have? I just called Eric and told him that I was working on my entry for today, but that I couldn't really think of anything to discuss, since I spent all of yesterday either working or watching comics. He said that I should just say nice things about him. So here goes: He makes me laugh. He cares about me. When he walks in a room, I know that he's walking towards me, peter mullan and even when we are talking to two different peter mullan people, he'll reach over and touch my arm or something, just to give a quiet hello. Last night when I got home from the comedy club very late, he had already set the alarm for me, made my side of the bed, and moved a little pathway on the floor through all of the Spring Cleaning clothing I had been working on. He even woke up and talked to me for a bit. PAMIE Do you remember doing that last night? ERIC I remember getting the bed ready, yeah.