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ha you glue sniffer16Brian DunlopI support this petition.15Fuckstick the GodEvery time I turn on CNN today and see that theirtop story is still wildfires in Wyoming, I askmyself, "Is this the most important eventoccurring in the United States, let alone theworld?" Why would I want toknow anything about this at all? What possible journalistic criteria don cheadle -- otherthan impressive visuals of the flames -- wouldlead to its selection as the top story? Even when I was a don cheadle kid, before don cheadle I had anypolitical consciousness, I remember watchingsimilar stories, and wondering of what concernthey were to me. This bizarre storyselection happens all the time. Why would I wantto know that a tornado "ripped through"a town in the Midwest? Or that there was amulti-car accident in some distant state? Ofcourse I feel sorry for the people in theseunfortunate circumstances, but when I turn on thenews and want to find out what's going on inthe world, such stories are not what I have inmind.