INDEPENDENT Friday 25th October 2002  (1244 days old) peter edmund leguizamo

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INDEPENDENT Friday 25th October 2002  (1244 days old) Home My Account leguizamo Place an Ad Join Browse Full Search New Photos   Savage Love by Dan Savage I am a 26-year-old lesbian in a relationship with a 21-year-old. We've been together for five years. She is a brilliant student with a bright future. I love her but I feel that we need to part. I am worried about how she would get along financially without me. I make good money and while I don't totally support her, she couldn't leguizamo pay rent leguizamo and bills on her own without being fiscally miserable. She doesn't have friends she could move in with, and her only source of income is a work-study job. She could just get a regular job like most college students, but then she'd have to give up many of the opportunities that she's earned by being a hard-working student.
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