actresses, motherbitch, michael weston, blog novel, harrumph, robert smith, amsterdam, cannibal, pi(film), gabriel jeffrey, webcams, wizardsof haute couture, octavio gómez, party, connie chung, gardolins, algieria,
He asked if I remembered him. Ok my face is burnt like a bow feature film drama tie, you know the score, red nose and red cheeks feature film drama ? very feature film drama attractive, latest season's colours, but this has been a great festival so far. Alabama 3 are currently on stage, everyone going crazy for Woke Up This Morning as heard on the Sopranaos. Cowboys from Brixton aren?t normally my thing but in the summer sun it sounds fine. On the plus side, I just had a little chat to the Alabama 3 boys, who were trying to convince me that they'd seen a great new band called NSADP - National Socialist Arbeiter Deutcher Party (excuse the terrible spelling - I don't speak German!) Apparently they've convinced several journos that the Nazis are an up and coming new act ... Listen... LIVE TRACK - The Moon Has Lost The Sun LIVE TRACK - Lord Have Mercy LIVE TRACK - Woody Guthrie LIVE TRACK - Power In The Blood LIVE RACK - Bullet Proof LIVE TRACK - Rehab Interview with Larry & D Wayne source: bbc 6 Sunday 10th August 2003 (955 days old) "POWER IN THE BLOOD TOUR" LBROTHERS WE HAVE COME TO TESTIFY.