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Now the closet is open, airing itself out to dry out, after which maintenance will come in and make all the mildew go away. Not exactly the greatest thing to come back from vacation to find, though. Posted by Dredd at 07:48 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) GenCon Day Four Wrap-Up I only had one session scheduled for Sunday, and at two minutes iranian to start-time, neither the GM nor any other player had showed up. Since this was also the last time-slot, I iranian decided to ask George's GM to hold iranian a spot in his game for me for a few minutes, in case mine was cancelled. He convinced me to just stick around and play and not worry about it. I'm glad I did. 12:30 p.m. - ABERN I: The Rescue of Duke David... - It was weird to play D&D without any dice rolls. It was complete story-telling, no "Random Chance" or luck of the dice. What the GM and the players wanted to happen happened.