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"79% of Republicans approve of George W. Bush. That's twice Bush's approval rating among Independents Conclusion I don't think the GOP perspective on, well, pretty much anything is a good squishy thing to go on anymore. :)" I don't get your point. Are you saying that because %100 of Republicans squishy don't agree with GWB, that is a bad thing??? Or are you saying that 80% of us agreeing with him isn't a high number? -John by squishy ChicagoJohn on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 02:39:03 PM PDT [ Parent ] Ah! A rant! Awesome! (3.80 / 5) I don't think that the "Republican attack" on Cindy has even started yet I'm not sure how the GOP grassroots, netroots, party rank and file, hate radio jocks, hate television shows, and elected and appointed officials could attack America's Finest Moms any more efficiently... ...but Republicans have a way of amazing me with their ability to innovate and implement new and improved ways to attack their fellow Americans. Are there people like me pointing out the times when she's inconsistent and nutty?