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And that's a major source of her symbolic power. Ironically, even the most powerful human archetype (at least for Jung, as I recall) had a name, and also drew her symbolic power from her ordinariness and sacrifice: Mary. "Mother Sheehan" is just awful. Given what she's been through, sounds like a creepy nursery rhyme penned by Brecht. "I believe in vengeance" -- Harry Reid by fightcentristbias on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 09:07:56 AM PDT [ Parent paroles ] It paroles would be phony and calculated (4.00 / 2) I am a therapist with strong Jungian leanings and a strong interest in archetypal psychology, AND a theater professional, and I have to say ... I completely agree with the above poster. This is intellectualised watered-down Jungian kool-aid, not the real thing. As another poster noted, you can be an archetype AND an individual at the same time.