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I don't think that the "Republican attack" on Cindy has even started yet. Are there people inviti like me pointing out the times inviti when she's inconsistent and nutty? Yeah. But the reaction/momentum from our side hasn't even started. "...and if inviti so, is attacking America's Finest Moms a good thing for America?" Only if you actually think she's one of American's finest moms, and not a bit of a nutjob who is living in a ditch outside of someone's home demanding to speak to them (again.) I think its best to call things as they are. Cindy is all about defending her rights to free speech, while getting a little edgy about people who are calling her nuts. Lemme give you some samples from her essay on the Gold Star Families website: "For my effort in trying to awaken America to the dirty tricks and fraud of our government and for trying to call attention to the fact that thousands of people are dying and in harm's way in Iraq for the lies, I am often called a traitor, terrorist supporter, Jane Fonda, unpatriotic, etc.