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But it wasn't. It was the fish. And there were the others. The radicals. The Anti-divinists, kool kieth who were the anti-thesis of it all, who would kill the world. "It's those damned Anti-belevers! I tell you! Brother in the sky above! They're killing us all and they have no remorse, brother! Soon we shall all be killed by this wicked disease knows as anti-divinsts! They're killing kool kieth out of control! Someone has to rip their souls apart, and make them meet the great Gods above, and show them all what this is!" It was widely kool kieth believed among many that the anti-divinists would end the world as they knew it. But it wasn't. It was the fish And yet others would persist, those who were the incorporate of the long lost brotherhood of hippieism, that it was the illegality of everything that would end the world.