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Well, that's me. I'm on the other side of the moon now and everybody is going to have to wait until I pop out. Beth: The police are here. mpls Bill Foster: Did you know, Beth, that in some South American countries it's still legal to kill your wife if she insults you? Panhandler: That's a hell of a way to treat a vet, man. Bill Foster: You're an animal doctor? Panhandler: No, a vet. A veteran. I was in 'Nam, man. Bill Foster: What mpls were you - a drummer mpls boy? You must've been 10 years old. Panhandler: I meant the Gulf. I meant to say the Gulf. Jesus. Come on. All I'm asking for is a little change. I haven't eaten in three days. [has a sandwhich in hand] Panhandler: Well, I mean, except for this. Detective: We tried and tried but could not fit your fucking name on the cake, Prendergast.