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Hey, EXCUSE ME. I don't know if you have noticed it or not, but there are other people waiting to use the phone here. Bill Foster: There are? Annoying Man at Phone Booth: Yeah. Bill Foster: There's other wordssong lyrics 50 cent that's what's up guess who's back? people who want to use the phone? Annoying Man at Phone Booth: That's right, you selfish asshole. Bill Foster: Well, that's too bad. Because you know what? [firing a machine wordssong lyrics 50 cent that's what's up guess who's back? gun into the phone booth] Bill Foster: I think it's out of order. Bill Foster: [to The Golfer that is having a heart attack] Yeah. And now you're gonna die, wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel? Sergeant Prendergast: Fuck you Captain Yardley. Fuck you very much. [In the Whammy Burger] Bill Foster: Why am I calling you by your first names? I don't even know you. I still call my boss "Mister", and I've been working for him for seven years, but all of a sudden I walk in here and I'm calling you Rick and Sheila like we're in some kind of AA meeting.