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Richard Lewis: Can't we have lunch or something and discuss this? Larry: I can't. Richard Lewis: Why not? Larry: I've been auctioned off for some charity. Richard Lewis: What is this, "Roots"? Cheryl: [Larry discusses becoming a restaurant host] I thought you didn't like talking to people. Larry David: whales I don't like talking to... to people I KNOW, but strangers, I have no problem with. whales Jeff Greene's Mother: Why did you have to put those clothes whales of Jeff's, just throw them in... Larry David: Why? Why? Why? Jeff Greene's Mother: Just throw them in, in the trunk, on top of a dirty old tire? Why? Larry David: Obviously there's something wrong with me. Jeff Greene's Mother: Yes, well, that's the question... Larry David: What is wrong with me? Jeff Greene's Mother: Why would anybody do that? A person doesn't do that. Larry David: I don't have a closet in my house.